Bonfire Effect
Bonfire Effect merges with sister company, Bonfire Ignite.

Change Management

Change Assessment


Let's chat change

Our change management gurus are ready to help guide your organization through every step of the change process. 

This isn't just any questionnaire. It’s your ticket to uncover the hidden strengths of your organization and spot exciting opportunities for growth. Think of it as a roadmap leading you to powerful and impactful change initiatives.

The questions will be divided into four sections: Change Empathy, Marketing, Change Management, and Project Management. For each question, you will rate yourself 1-5, with 5 being the absolute best. Be honest about yourself and your organization. Complete transparency and honesty will lead you to the best results.

Let’s dive in!

Get your change readiness score

The questions will be divided into four sections. For each question, rate yourself 1-5, with 5 being the absolute best.

"*" indicates required fields

1About Yourself
2Change empathy
3Change Influence
4Change Management
About You


You’ve completed one of the most critical steps in your change planning. Here’s how to use your results.
Things could be improved, are off track, or not started.

We’ll give you critical areas to address in your planning or course correction.

You’re on the right path for success.

You’ve already laid a great foundation and are executing. Here you’ll find suggestions to enhance your focus.

67 %
Overall score
65 %
Change empathy
65 %
Change influence
65 %
Change & Project management
65 %

Change empathy

Your company has a basic level of understanding and support for your employees but falls short in several critical areas. While there are some efforts to foster empathy, these efforts are often inconsistent and may not effectively address the needs of all employees.

  1. Promote inclusion and listening by establishing two-way structures that ensure all employees feel valued and respected throughout change initiatives.
  2. Implement leadership training focusing on empathy and soft skills to shift from a transactional to a people-oriented management approach.
  3. Emphasize frequent, authentic communication from management to keep employees informed and connected, reducing frustration and disconnection. Point to the goal and the employee benefits of the change. Develop key storytelling to resonate with employees.
  4. The work environment is collaborative in some areas but lacks a consistent approach to teamwork and support across the organization. Implement a change network that demonstrates healthy communication and collaboration.
  5. Develop consistent engagement strategies through engaging employee journeys and robust recognition programs through change campaigns, showing how feedback is implemented and rewarding achievement of milestones to reduce turnover and build excitement for change.
How Bonfire can help:

Fully supported and adopted change can be achieved! We can meet with leaders to gain sponsorship and show the value of an empathetic approach. Working with the change team and key leaders, we can help add clarity to the change vision and develop compelling storylines that stir emotions and encourage authentic sharing.

A detailed approach showing where individual employees are on the change curve will be combined with heartfelt actions to help them move through the curve quicker, with minimal peaks and valleys. Key to successful change implementation will be a hand-picked change catalyst driving a collaborative change network team to show the value this change will bring to the organization.

65 %

Change empathy

You are excelling in creating a workplace environment where understanding, compassion, and support are deeply ingrained in your culture. The empathetic culture contributes to the company’s resilience and adaptability. Employees are willing to embrace change and work together to overcome challenges. Just a few things to keep in mind or enhance:

  1. Reinforce change by listening empathetically from the start, ensuring everyone feels valued and respected. Be authentic and continue to build trust throughout by acting on input.
  2. Many employees feel connected to their work and the company’s mission, so maintain your transparent, consistent, two-way communication, establishing structures for where employees feel heard.
  3. Your work environment is collaborative, and teamwork is encouraged. Selectively pick change catalysts that inspire and enable passionate adoption and collaborative efforts.
  4. Capitalize and expand your support systems to aid resistant employees and enhance recognition programs with rewards for key milestones in the change journey.
  5. Foster an emotional connection to the change, highlighting its value and alignment with the company’s mission, and clearly communicate the benefits to employees (WIIFM: What’s In It For Me?).
How Bonfire can help:

Looks like you’ve got this! We can help structure the input from your leaders and employees and help map them on the change curve. Taking what we compile from all feedback, plus your existing culture, we can work with you to craft your compelling storyline that will be well received and catch like wildfire across the company.

Your employees are very collaborative and have bought into the company, so your change network will rock! We will help construct achievable and interactive employee journeys your people will love to experience.

65 %

Change influence

You demonstrate some basic elements in communicating and promoting change initiatives but might face significant challenges. A non-compelling storyline, inconsistent communication, limited employee involvement, weak change branding, and inadequate support and training can lead to a culture of resistance.

  1. Ensure frequent and authentic messages from key leaders to communicate the vision for change clearly, reducing misunderstandings and increasing enthusiasm among employees.
  2. Improve storytelling in messaging to make it more compelling and motivating, capturing employees’ interest and highlighting the benefits of change.
  3. Execute multi-faceted internal marketing campaigns with a core theme, lively graphics, clear benefits, and compelling calls to action to maintain high levels of employee engagement and reduce resistance.
  4. Provide more short, frequent, consistent, engaging, persona-based training to help employees adapt to change, ensuring accessibility and quality to support effective adaptation to new processes and systems.
  5. Implement regular and agile feedback mechanisms to monitor the effectiveness of change marketing efforts, quickly adjusting strategies based on employee insights to close gaps and enhance the impact of change initiatives.
How Bonfire can help:

If your company has a culture that is largely resistant to change, with limited openness and adaptability, significant efforts are needed to address widespread resistance and foster a more positive attitude towards change.

With our years of experience in branding, campaigns, and change management, we can help develop the overarching vision, craft a meaningful story, and brand/theme/message your change via an enticing multi-faceted, multi-channel campaign that changes hearts and minds.

65 %

Change influence

You are excelling at effectively communicating and promoting change initiatives through core marketing elements. This ensures changes are embraced, widely understood, and successfully integrated, leading to positive organizational transformation. Just a few things to keep in mind or enhance:

  1. Take your clear vision for change and craft a compelling story that explains the “why,” motivating employees and aligning them with the new direction.
  2. Use stories, testimonials, and case studies to highlight the benefits of change, making it relatable and compelling for employees and external stakeholders.
  3. Coalesce your effective messaging and run engaging and informative internal marketing campaigns with thematic elements across various formats and channels to maintain high levels of employee engagement where employees feel they are active participants in the change.
  4. Begin thinking of a “change funnel.” Treat change with the same rigor as marketing to clients, driving awareness, interest, and communicating benefits to enhance the company’s innovative reputation.
  5. Provide bite-sized training and accessible support systems to equip employees with the skills needed to adapt to change and ensure loyalty and sustainability at the end of the change process.
How Bonfire can help:

You are putting into practice the discipline of change management, likely through a solid approach like ADKAR (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement).

Bonfire’s change consultants have experience with Fortune 50 companies and Big 4 consulting firms; we can take the weight of project managing change off your shoulders. Additionally, we can add “fuel” to these typically academic approaches by engaging the hearts and minds through storytelling, engaging employee journeys, and enticing change campaigns.

65 %

Change & Project Management

You might demonstrate a basic ability to handle change but face significant challenges and inconsistencies. Your change initiatives have mixed success rates. Some are adopted and integrated effectively, while others face significant resistance or fail to achieve the desired outcomes, leading to uneven performance improvements. Here are some considerations for improvement:

  1. Ensure the change vision is clearly articulated and aligned with the company’s strategic goals to prevent confusion and provide clear direction. Build consistent messaging around the North Star for change.
  2. Foster consistent leadership support across all levels to create a unified and effective approach to change. Create a stakeholder heatmap to focus support and leadership training to critical managers.
  3. Develop detailed and comprehensive plans for change initiatives, accounting for potential challenges and ensuring coordinated execution to avoid disruptions. Implement tried and true practices like change impact assessments, personas, stakeholder engagement, change networks, adoption/performance KPIs and support structures.
  4. Employees may feel uninformed or confused about the reasons for change, so communicate with transparency through a variety of venues to ensure progress is made, and what is expected of them.
  5. Provide tailored and sufficient training and support systems for employees, consistently monitor progress with regular KPIs and reviews, and quickly adapt to feedback to improve change initiatives.
How Bonfire can help:

Change management is our specialty. We do it differently by integrating the best of branding and marketing, and it’s all built on excellence in the practice of change management.

Our change practitioners have been forged in the fire of many complex, global, Fortune 50 change mergers and technology implementations. We know how to change right. Let us take the work and we’ll let you take the glory.

65 %

Change & Project Management

You excel in effectively navigating and implementing change within the organization. This high level of competency ensures that changes are smoothly transitioned, widely accepted, and successfully integrated into the company’s operations. Just a few things to keep in mind or enhance:

  1. Leaders consistently articulate and reinforce a well-defined vision for change aligned with strategic goals, demonstrating strong commitment and support at all levels. To maximize consumption, wrap leader messaging inside storytelling to create emotional bonds.
  2. Change initiatives are meticulously planned, with detailed roadmaps, timelines, and milestones. Ensure teams are well-coordinated, a change network is well structured, and resources are efficiently allocated to ensure smooth implementation.
  3. Employees are actively involved in the change process. Early adopters can be change catalysts to provide further direction to management and encouragement to peers. 
  4. Your company provides extensive training to equip employees with the skills and knowledge needed to adapt to the change. Make sure training programs are tailored to different roles and highly engaging, fun, and concise to maximize accessibility and effectiveness.
  5. You view change as an opportunity for growth and learning. To enhance this, take lessons learned from past change initiatives and apply to future projects, creating a continuous improvement cycle.
How Bonfire can help:

You are putting into practice the discipline of change management, likely through a solid approach like ADKAR. Bonfire has change consultants from both fortune 50 companies and Big 4 consulting firms that can take the weight of project managing change off your shoulders. Additionally, we can add “fuel” to these typically academic approaches by engaging the hearts and minds through storytelling, engaging employee journeys, and inticing change campaigns.

Want to go deeper?

Set up a free consultation with one of our change experts to discuss what’s driving your results and explore possible next steps.