Bonfire Effect
Bonfire Effect merges with sister company, Bonfire Ignite.

Now’s the Time to B ON FIRE

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Now’s the Time

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We all need fires to gather around in these trying times. Our B ON FIRE campaign will seek to celebrate people and brands in Northern Colorado that are on fire with generosity, compassion, and creativity.

Now is the time to be generous. To B ON FIRE.

Like the Fort Collins restaurant group that’s making meals for people affected by the pandemic.

Like this Fort Collins print shop that found a way to open up a revenue stream for struggling businesses.

Like all the ordinary people in John Krasinski’s video.

It’s a good bet that at one point the managers of those restaurants, the people highlighted in Krasinski’s video – along with you, your customers, your neighbors – have all felt (or still feel) fear, grief, uncertainty, anxiety. Or all of the above. And I bet most of us think that to be creative and generous in the midst of a global pandemic means not feeling any of those other things.

But we’d be wrong.

Before you can B ON FIRE with radical generosity, you have to be honest with the state of things. And when you’re brought face-to-face with the challenges and needs in your audience, your neighborhood, your world, it’s easy to feel all of the feels.

So as you work to lead your business, your employees, and your customers through the shutdowns and the social distancing and everything else, you need to give yourself room to process. To get mad. To vent. To weep, if needed. Those are good things. And they have to happen before you can lead generously and with fire in your bones.

Once you’ve done that, then you can fully share your ideas, resources, and solutions with fuller amounts of wisdom, compassion, and humanity.

And it’s this creative, life-giving fire that we’ll be highlighting on our blog and social channels, starting this week. The B ON FIRE campaign will identify and celebrate some of the brands and people in Northern Colorado who are starting fires of generosity for the good of our community. Check back here and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter using the hashtag #BonFireNoCo to get inspired and to share how you’ve seen companies and individuals – including yourself – B ON FIRE.

Now’s the time to be generous, creative, and to start a fire that others can gather around.

Safely and six feet apart, of course.

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Bonfire Effect